
“Tall” (portrait) orientation photos are displayed in “wide” (landscape) orientation:

Select On for Rotate tall (0 100).The photos were taken with Auto image rotation off (0 103).Camera was pointed up or down when the photo was taken.Photo is displayed in image review.Cannot hear movie sound:

Rotate the command dial right to raise the volume (0 36). If the cam- era is connected to a television, use the controls for the TV to adjust the volume.

Live audio is not recorded with time-lapse, slow-motion, fast-motion, or jump-cut movies (0 38) or with Motion Snapshots recorded with None selected for Audio (0 68).

Cannot delete images: Remove protection from the files before deletion (0 100).

Wi-Fi (Wireless Networks)

Smart devices do not display the camera SSID (network name):Confirm that camera Wi-Fi is enabled (0 93).Try turning the smart device Wi-Fi off and then on again.

Can not connect to smart devices using NFC (0 94): Connect using the camera SSID (0 95).


n The date of recording is not correct: Set the camera clock.

Menu items are grayed out and unavailable: Some options are only available at particular settings or when a memory card is inserted.