t, u, v, and w modes (0 49): Control shutter speed and aperture for



advanced photographic effects.




• P: Programmed auto (0 49)

• A: Aperture-priority auto (0 51)



• S: Shutter-priority auto (0 50)

• M: Manual (0 52)




























u Best moment capture mode (0 55): Choose









Active Selection to select the best picture









from 20 shots in temporary storage, Slow










view to choose the best timing for the shot








while the scene plays back in slow motion,










or Smart Photo Selector to let the camera









pick the best shot based on composition









and movement.


























zMotion Snapshot mode (0 65): Each time the

















shutter is released, the camera records a still









image and about 1.6 s of movie footage.









When the resulting “Motion Snapshot” is









viewed on the camera, the movie will play









back in slow motion over approximately 4 s,









followed by the still image.













v Advanced movie mode (0 38): Choose an exposure mode and adjust shutter-speed or aperture or record movies in slow or fast motion or with other special effects.