Now hit the star symbol beside the turning fireball thingy so that a 2x2

hole appears in the middle near the top of the room. Drop into this hole

*from the north* so that you will fall to the fourth floor...right in front of the big chest! Open it to recieve this dungeon's treasure: The Moon Pearl. Hit the star and go back up to the fifth floor.

Now go up the stairs at the top-right of this room to face the boss: MOLDORM. Check the boss section for details, blah know the routine. When you're done sending him to the afterlife, get the heart container and the pendant of wisdom. You have all three pendants! You are transported out of the Tower of Hera...


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< BATTLE WITH AGAHNIM >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>



Go south and drop off the ledge, then go left. Climb down the tall ladder and enter the cave right beside it. Go through this simplistic, linear cave until you reach the outside again. Drop off the ledge to the


Go north, passing the two lumberjacks, and east to enter the Lost Woods.

Go in the general direction of north west. There are a lot of fake, imitation Master Swords in the woods. But don't be fooled, there's only one true Master Sword.

At the north-west corner of the woods, you'll come to a peaceful clearing with animals and birds. There's the Master Sword. At this point, I traditionally read the ancient Hylian inscription with the Book

of Mudora. "The Hero's triumph on cataclysm's eve wins three symbols of virtue. The Master Sword he will then retrieve, keeping the knight's line true". Stand behind the sword and pull it out.

Shahasrahla contacts you telepathically. After chatting with him, let's go leave this forest. But as you leave, another message comes. This time

from Princess Zelda. She's being kidnapped! Get to the Sanctuary immediately! (you know how to get there, don't make me spell it out for you)

At the Sanctuary, you find Zelda gone and the Sage lying on the floor. Seems like you came a second too late. The soldiers came and took Zelda to the castle. Now you'll need to go back to the castle, where our adventure began. This time, you can go in through the front door...


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Nintendo 1.13 manual Getting the Master Sword, Hyrule Castle