side of this room and push the upper block to open the door. In the next

room, you need to use arrows to defeat the two red guys to open the door. You can use the statue to block the spikey thing while you defeat them.

Same thing in the next room: Defeat the enemies to open the door. Be careful to avoid the lasers from the eyes on the statues. Keep going...

until you pass through the big door.

Go down the steps, past the two spike traps, then hit the crystal orb. Defeat the two cyclops monsters to get them out of your way. Lift the pots at the back to reveal a switch, then step on it to open the door. Get up there and go to the next room...

Cross this strip of land while avoiding the cannonballs. It's tricky, but it can be done. When you reach the other side, go up the stairs to 4F.

A whole bunch of monsters! Defeat them all to open the door, then go on to the next room. Same consept there, defeat all the enemies (except the

statue) to open the door). And for the NEXT THREE ROOMS, defeat all the enemies to open the doors. Don't keep still for too long do you can avoid the lasers from the statues.

Eventually, you'll reach the room where you'll fight the second mini- boss, the lanmolas (remember them? from the desert palace?). They aren't

very hard at all. I think it only takes two or three hits to defeat each

one. This time you'll need to avoid the fireballs from the thing at the bottom-left. After you defeat them, go into the north room, then up the stairs to 5F.

Use Ether to reveal the invisible path. If you use Ether while all the wizards are visible, you'll defeat them all and the door will open! Hitting two birds with one stone. In the next room, be careful to avoid the lasers coming from the eyes on the wall. In the room after that, use

Ether again to defeat all the wizards and open the door.

Dash across the path to get over it before it collapses. In the next room, throw away all the pots that are blocking the torches. You need to

light all the torches (prefferably using the fire rod) to open the door at the bottom of the room. Go up the stairs in the next room to 6F.

Now you need to light the four torches with the firerod to make the door

open. You'll need to hurry up too because the floor will start disolving! First light the one at the lower-right, then the lower-left, then light the two upper torches. Proceed to the next room.

Kill the enemies (preferably by throwing pots at them) to find a small key inside on of them. Us it to go to the next room. Now throw a bomb onto the conveyer belt so that it moves left and blows open a hole in

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Nintendo 1.13 manual