continue on to the next room. It can be a little tricky to get past those cannonballs shooting across the room, so be careful about that. Open the chest to recieve...the big key! Go back down (past those damn cannonballs again) until you're back at the large room.

Go around to the upper-left corner of the large room, then enter the door at the left. Another laser-eye statue! Lift up the pot at the upper

left of the statue to reveal a switch, then step on it to open the doors. Go to the next room. Open the big chest to recieve the power glove. This useful item allows you to pick up stones and other heavy stuff. Return to the large room.

Go down to the bottom-left corner of the large room, then go left to the

next room. If you push the third block from the left, you can open the door and go north to a room full of fairies! I suggest filling up your bottles with them (catch them with the bug-catching net). If you're done

with them, go south to the outside...

You can continue going south along the ledge to get an easy piece of heart. Then go north, to a cave surrounded by stones. Now that you have the power glove, you can pick up these stones and uncover the entrance to that cave! Go inside...

This is the second part of the Desert Palace dungeon. Push the center block of the right group of blocks to open the door and continue.

Magical tiles come out of the floor and start attacking you! Protect yourself from them by hitting them with the sword or just by getting out

of their way. Lift the pot in the bottom-left corner to get a small key,

and use it to open the north locked door.

Keep going. Once again, defeat all the enemies in the room to open the door. The next room is infested with those laser-eye statues. Be very careful around here. There's a key hidded under one of the pots. Find it

and use it to open the locked door at the north side.

Here's another room with those crazy flying tiles. The key is hidden in the upper-right pot. Use it to go on to the next room. Now defeat this red cyclops with two arrows to his eye. A dead end? Nope. Use your lamp to light the four torches in this room. The whole wall moves aside to reveal a big door.

Go through this door to face the boss: LANMOLAS. As usual, the details about them are in the boss section. When you're all done playing with them, pick up the heart container and the pendant of power. Only one pendant remains! You are transported out of the Desert Palace...


<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< THE THIRD PENDANT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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Nintendo 1.13 manual