once again.

Go through the two tunnels of bones at the north-west, then enter the skull at the end to get back inside the Skull Dungeon.

Defeat the two electric jellyfish and the two mummies (and watch out for

the falling hand!). Lift the pot in the center to reveal a switch. This needs something heavy to hold it down. You can move the statue at the right. Push it down a bit, then left, then PULL it back until it's on top of the switch. Then proceed to the next room. Annahilate this small army of enemies, then open the chest to get the Big Key! Return to the previous room and go back outside.

Go through the two tunnels of bones again. Cut down the 3x3 block of bushes and drop into the hole in the center (again).

Hit the star symbol only once, then go left through the hole you blew open in the wall. Go south until you reach the big chest. Now that you have the big key, open it and recieve this dungeon's treasure: the Fire Rod. Once again, use the hookshot to cross the pit. Go outside.

Go through the two tunnels of bones yet again (this is the last time, I promise). Enter the skull.

This time, go through the door at the left. Continue straight through this room to the next one. Lift the pot at the upper-left corner to find

a small key. Then go outside.

Go through the *left* tunnel of bones and you'll get to some kind of skull of a monster. Whip out your fire rod and burn away its big nose to

reveal an entrance (it took me forever to figure that one out). This is another section of the Skull Dungeon. Go inside...

Go down the steps at the left. There are paths and wall hidden under the

upper path, so it'll be confusing to get through this place. Make your way north and enter the door at the upper-left wall. Make your way south

through this room, avoiding the enemies as much as possible, and enter the door at the bottom. Open the chest for a small key. Now backtrack through the previous room and go back through the maze until you get to the entrance. Go north on the upper path and through the locked door at the end.

Here's detailed instructions on how to get through this room: Step forward on the star symbol. Lift the pots, then go forward and step on the stars at the center of the room. Now step on the star at the bottom left corner. Go around (breaking the pots when necessary) and step on the stars to the upper-right of the center stars. Next, hit the star at the upper-right. And finally, you can exit the room.

First, kill ALL of the mummies in the room. Also destroy the two skull pots. To open the door, you need to light the four torches, and the only

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Nintendo 1.13 manual