(3) User
(Illustration 23)
Touch the color sample to set the background screen color. Select "Confirm" when you are finished selecting your color. (Illustration 24)
• Birthday | 24 |
Touch the up/down arrows to adjust the numbers. Select "Confirm" when you are finished setting the date. (Illustration 25)
•User Name
This options allows you to enter your nickname. Your nickname may appear during PictoChat on other participants screens. We recommend selecting a gender neutral nickname. (See the separate PictoChat instruction booklet
included with the Nintendo DS.) | 25 |
Use the
See page 18 for information on how to use the
(3) User (cont.)
This options allows you to enter a message. Your message may appear during PictoChat on other participants screens. (See the separate PictoChat instruction booklet included with the Nintendo DS.)
Use the
to 18 characters. See page 18 for more 27 information on how to use the
(4) Touch Screen
•Touch Screen
Select this option to realign the stylus with the Touch Screen. Follow the
22 | 23 |