For details on how to read your voicemail, refer to “Message Waiting (Voicemail)” on page 71.

To listen to your Voice Messages you can do any of the following:

When NEW VOICE MESSAGE or ‘n’ NEW VOICE MESSAGES is displayed, press SEND or OK.

Give the 1 key a long press to quick-dial your voice- mail access number (if it is stored in phone book location 1; see Note below).

Enter your voicemail access number, then press


The service may offer voice guidance. You may need to press keys on the phone keypad to access features.

Note: To be able to quick dial your voice mailbox with the


1Store your Voice Mailbox Access Number in the Phone Book location 1 (see “Save Name & Number (Menu 1 2)” on page 31).

2Set the 1-Touch Dialing menu feature to On; for details, refer to “1-Touch Dialing (Menu 3 6)” on page 39.

You only need to do steps 1 and 2 once (unless, of course, your voice mailbox access number changes).


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