Nokia 282 You need your security code, Have entered the menu, you, Can choose the option you

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should it work in? The point of the Carrier Selec- tion menu is to help your phone make the best choice for you.

A simple fact to know: All cellular systems are either type “A” or “B”. So your “Home system” is either an “A” or “B” system. To find out your system type, ask your cellular service provider.

You need your security code


to enter this menu. Once you


have entered the menu, you


can choose the option you

Home only


want (described below). Press

to move the pointer to the option you want. Press OK to select it.

Preferred - Your dealer can program a list of “preferred” networks into your phone. If your dealer has done this, when you choose Preferred your phone looks first for your home system, then a network in the preferred list, then a network of the same “type” (A or B) as your home system, then a network of the opposite “type” as your home system.

If your dealer has not programmed this list into your phone, use the Preferred option. The phone will look first for your home system, then a net- work of the same “type” as your home system.

Non-Preferred- Your phone will choose a network that is of a different “type” than your Home system.

Any - The phone first looks for your home system, then a network of the same “type” as your home system, then a network of the opposite “type” as your home system.

Home Only - The phone only looks for service on the Home system. It won’t choose any other network, so if you’re out of your Home system, you won’t have service (NO SERVICE).


Menu features

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Nokia 282 owner manual You need your security code, Have entered the menu, you, Can choose the option you