Nokia 282 Using the menu during a call, Phone Book Menu, Find Entry Menu 1, Save Entry Menu 1

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Also, if you use the shortcut method to access Menu 3 1, there is a 5-second delay before the menu appears. To bypass this delay, press MENU 3 1 OK OK.

Using the menu during a call

If you press MENU (short press) during a call, the phone gives you the in-call menu (see “In-call menu” on page 57). If you press MENU for slightly longer, you access the regular menu and can use the menu features as you would normally.

Phone Book (Menu 1)

To access Menu 1, press MENU then OK.

Find Entry (Menu 1 1)

After you select this item, the phone prompts you to enter a name. Enter the first letter(s) of the name then press OK (or "or to scroll through the stored entries).

Alternatively, at the Name: prompt, just press .

Save Entry (Menu 1 2)

With this menu item, the phone prompts you to enter a name and number. At each prompt, enter the information requested then press OK. When the phone asks you to Save in Location, press OK, or enter another location number then press OK. The phone displays SAVED and the remaining available memory.

Note: See "The Phone Book" on page 23 for more information about saving entries.

Edit Entry (Menu 1 3)


Recall the entry from the Phone Book first, then go to step 4 on the next page.


Menu features

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Nokia 282 Using the menu during a call, Phone Book Menu, Find Entry Menu 1, Save Entry Menu 1, Edit Entry Menu 1