Nokia 282 Language Menu 3, Phone Number Menu 3, Automatic Answer Menu 3, Automatic Redial Menu 3

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Language (Menu 3 8)

This menu lets you choose which language you want the menus and messages to be displayed in: English, French, Spanish, or Portuguese.

Phone Number (Menu 3 9)

Your phone can have two different telephone numbers. This menu lets you choose which telephone number to use.

Note: In order to have two different telephone numbers, you must subscribe to them through your cellular operator(s).

Note: If only one phone number is programmed into your phone, you’ll only see that number in this menu.

The phone can’t use both numbers at the same time and you can’t change the number during a call.

If your phone is set to your first number, you can only receive calls via that number. You may be able to forward calls from your second number to your first number so you don’t miss any calls, if this service is available from your cellular service provider. For more information, please contact your cellular service provider.

Automatic Answer (Menu 3 10)

Note: This feature applies only if the phone is in a handsfree car kit, or a headset is connected.

With Automatic Answer set to On, the phone automatically answers after 4 seconds.

Automatic Redial (Menu 3 11)

Sometimes the cellular network is busy, e.g. there are too many calls for the network to handle, and your call can’t go through. You get a SYSTEM BUSY... message (and sometimes a tone such as a fast busy signal). If Automatic Redial is set to On, the phone automatically tries 3 more times to connect the call. If the call connects, the phone beeps to notify you.


Menu features

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Nokia 282 owner manual Language Menu 3, Phone Number Menu 3, Automatic Answer Menu 3, Automatic Redial Menu 3