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Add information
You can enter any combination of numbers and letters into phone book
entries, Web addresses, and more using the ABC and 123 methods.
The phone shows the current method
with an icon, or small picture, in the
upper left corner of the screen.
Enter letters
When you are in a name box in the
phone book, the phone shows the
icon. You use the phone’s
keypad to enter letters.
1Find the key with the letter you want to enter.
2Press the key repeatedly until the letter appears on the screen.
For example, press three times to enter the letter C.
3Wait for the blinking cursor to reappear before you enter another
letter, unless the letter is on a different key.
Example: To enter the name Albert:
Press A
Press l
Press b
Press e
Press r
Press t
Note: The default case in Abc mode is sentence case. Only the
first letter of each word is capitalized.