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Call history
Tip: To dial any number that appears on your phone’s screen,
press Talk.

Missed calls

Your phone stores up to 30 numbers associated with calls you have missed.
When you miss a call, the message Missed calls appears on your phone’s
screen, along with the number of calls missed.
You are notified of missed calls only if your phone was turned on in the
original service area of your service provider.
Note: If you chose the Forward if not answered option in Call
Forwarding, your phone treats these forwarded calls as missed calls.

Dialed calls, received calls

Your phone stores up to 30 numbers associated with calls you have dialed
or received.
Your phone uses call lists to track numbers for incoming, outgoing, and
missed calls. You can delete some or all of the numbers that appear in
your phone’s call log. You can delete dialed numbers, received call
numbers, or missed call numbers.
1Press Menu 2-4 (Call log > Delete recent call lists).
2Use Scroll up or Scroll down to scroll through the options list.
The list includes: All, Missed, Received, and Dialed.
Edit number Allows you to edit the number shown on the screen.
Save Saves the number in your phone book.
Add to
Adds the number to a name already saved in your
phone book.
Delete Removes the number from the call log.
Call You can call the number that just called your phone.