application guide
Important Information
NAVFone license is specific to your mobile phone and it is not transferable.
In the event of an upgrade of mobile phone (within 3 months), user can bring in their old and new mobile phones. We will enable the transfer of NAVFone to the new mobile phone. Administrative charges will apply.
The serial number provided with the NAVFone is for installation on a single mobile phone only. Please keep it at a safe location. agis will not be liable for misplace or misuse of the serial number.
When NAVFone program is lost due to loss, damage or repair of mobile phone, agis will not be liable for a replacement. However, with supporting documents such as a police report or a repair invoice, replacement can be obtained on a case to case basis. Administrative charges may apply.
As map data is always changing, updates can be purchased from our website www.asiagis.com.sg.
NAVFone has been fully tested on a limited range of mobile phones in a given time frame. As mobile phone specification varies among models and/or batches, agis will not be liable for any incompatibility issue.