Because many wireless phone cus- tomers speak English as a second language, your phone allows you to choose your phone’s displayed language.
Choosing a language for your phone
Press Menu 4 2 5 (Settings - Phone settings - Language), scroll to the language you wish to use and press OK.
You can choose from English, French, Spanish, Portuguese or Traditional Chinese.
Last call timer
This feature displays the duration of your last call.
See “Call timers” on page 24.
Last number redial
When you want to call your last dialed number,
Press óand wait 3 seconds
Note: You must be at the start screen before you press ó
Letter case
You can change from upper to lower case when entering letters into your phone.
See “Changing letter case” on page 36 for complete details.
Life timer
The life timer displays the total time of all calls dialed and received with your phone (in hours and minutes only). The life timer can not be reset and is used in conjunction with your phone’s warranty
Also, see “Call timers” on page 24.