Nokia 6161i Scrolling view, Selecting your scrolling view, Security settings, Security code

Models: 6161i

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Scrolling view

There are three different options on how you can view the phone book. Your choices are:

Name list shows all stored names in a scrolling list. Three names will appear at any given time. To view other names in the directory, scroll back and forth through the list using W or V. Name list is the default setting.

Name+number displays individual names and numbers stored in your directory. Only one name will display on your screen at a time, with the corresponding phone number. Use W or V to view other names.

Name only shows individual names only. To view other names, use W or V. You can view the corresponding phone number by pressing Details, then W or V.

Selecting your scrolling view

1.Press Names

2.Scroll to Options, then press Select

3.Press Select at Scrolling view

4.Press W or V to select either Name list, Name+number, or Name only, then press OK

Security settings

This menu includes the following security features:

4-3-1Restrict calls - See page 56.

4-3-2Access codes - See page 16.

The Access codes submenu includes Phone lock (page 52), Unlocked phone number (page 70), Change lock code (page 42), and Change security code (page 62).

Security code

Your phone will prompt you for a security code for certain features. These features can be used only after the correct security code has been successfully entered.


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Nokia 6161i owner manual Scrolling view, Selecting your scrolling view, Security settings, Security code