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To save the received settings, press Options and select Save.
If no settings are saved in Active service settings, the settings are saved in the
first free connection set and are also activated.
If there are settings saved in Active service settings, Activate saved service
settings? will be displayed. To activate the saved settings, press Yes, or to save
them only, press No.
To discard the received settings, press Options and select Discard.
To view the received settings first, press Options and select View. To save the
settings, press Save.
Keying in the service settings manually
1. Press Menu and select Services, Settings and Connection settings.
2. Select Active service settings.
You need to activate the set where you want to save the service settings. A set
is a collection of settings required to make a connection to a WAP service.
3. Scroll to the set you would like to activate and press Activate.
4. Select Edit active service settings.
Select each of the settings one by one and key in all the required settings.
Settings name - Key in the new name for the connection set and press OK.
Homepage - Key in the homepage address of the WAP service that you
want to use, press for a dot, and press OK.
Session mode - Select Permanent or Temporary.