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•Nokia PC WAP Manager to edit and send your WAP bookmarks or update the
connection sets on your phone.
•Nokia Phone Editor to send text messages (SMS) and edit contacts, and
message settings of your phone.
•Nokia Phone Browser to browse and modify picture and audio files in the
phone’s memory and to transfer them between phone and PC.
•Nokia PC Sync to synchronise contacts, calendar and to-do notes between
your phone and your PC.
•Nokia 6800 data modem drivers enable you to use your phone as a modem.
•Nokia Modem Options contains settings for HSCSD and GPRS connections.
•Nokia Connection Manager to select the connection type between the PC and
the phone.
GPRS, HSCSD and CSDYou can use GPRS (General Packet Radio Service), HSCSD (High Speed Circuit
Switched Data) and CSD (Circuit Switched Data, GSM data) data services.
For availability and subscription to high-speed data services, contact your
network operator or service provider.
Note that the use of HSCSD service consumes the phone’s battery faster than
normal voice or data calls. You may need to connect the phone to a charger for
the duration of data transfer.
See GPRS modem settings on page 132.