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5. ContactsYou can save names and phone numbers (contacts) in both the phone’s memory
and in the SIM card’s memory.
•You may save up to 500 names with numbers, addresses and text for each
name in the phone’s memory. The number of names that can be saved depends
on both the length of the names, and the number and length of the phone
numbers and text items.
Contacts use shared memory, see Shared memory on page 19.
•The phone supports SIM cards that can save up to 250 names and phone
numbers. Names and numbers that are saved in the SIM card’s memory, are
indicated by .
■Selecting settings for contacts
1. Press Contacts and select Settings. Select
2. Memory in use to select the memory, either SIM card or phone, that you want
to use for your contacts. To recall names and numbers from both memories for
contacts , select Phone and SIM. In this case, the names and numbers will be
saved in the phone’s memory.
3. Contacts view to select how the names (and numbers) in contacts are