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Speed dialling
To assign a number to a speed dialling key, press Contacts, select Speed dials and
scroll to the desired speed dialling key number.
Press Assign, press Search, and select first the name and then the number you
want to assign. If the Speed dialling function is off, the phone asks whether you
want to activate it. Press Yes to activate it, see Speed dialling on page 96.
To make a call using the speed dialling keys, see Speed dialling a phone number on
page 39.
Info numbers
You can call the information numbers of your service provider. The numbers may
be included in your SIM card.
Press Contacts and select Info numbers. Scroll through a category to an
information number and press to call the number.
Service numbers
You can call the service numbers of your service provider. The numbers may be
included in your SIM card.
Press Contacts and select Service numbers. Scroll to a service number and press
to call the number.