3 Tap the position in the list to move the access point to.
Keep track of your data traffic
To avoid surprises with mobile data costs, you can set your phone to notify you or close
the mobile data connection when you have transferred a certain amount of data using
your mobile data connection.
1 Select > Settings.
2 Select Connectivity > Mobile data tracker > Data allowance.
3 Select Define in megabytes or Define in gigabytes, then type in the limit in the
4 Select When allowance reached, then select Show warning or Switch mobile
data off.
The limit is phone-specific. If you use your SIM in another phone, you need to set the
limits in that phone.
Your network service provider may count mobile data use differently than your phone
does. For info about data costs, contact your network service provider.
Wireless LAN
About WLAN connections
Select > Settings and Connectivity > WLAN.
Tip: You can also manage your connections in the status menu. Swipe down from the
top of the screen, then select WLAN. If WLAN is not shown, select .
Tip: You can add a WLAN widget to the home screen. To quickly switch the WLAN
feature on or off, select the switch in the widget. To open the WLAN app, select in
the widget. The WLAN feature needs to be switched on.
The WLAN app shows a list of available networks and helps you connect to a wireless
local area network (WLAN).
104 Connectivity