Nokia Motorola manual Required Fields to Enter

Models: Motorola

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￿￿Type Password* Enter the 4-digits/characters Password that you choose at time of activation or choose a password 4- digits/characters in length. Passwords are not case sensitive – AbCd is the same as abcd.

￿￿Confirm Password*

￿￿First Name* ￿￿Last Name*

￿￿Cingular Wireless Phone Number* ￿￿Rim Wireless Handheld email address ￿￿Time Zone*

￿￿Street Address

￿￿Apt./Suite ￿￿City ￿￿State/Prov. ￿￿ZIP/Postal Code* ￿￿Country ￿￿Birthdate

￿￿Desktop Email Address*

* Required Fields to Enter



Click Submit when finished.



Note: The Authorization Code is sent to your handset as a




Getting Started Guide



For Motorola V60t



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Nokia Motorola manual Required Fields to Enter