The lower right area of | The lower center of the |
the display will show a | display will show the dis- |
training zone bar that in- | tance that you have |
dicates the approximate | walked or run during your |
intensity level of your ex- | workout. |
ercise. If five or six indi- |
cators in the bar are lit, | To see the total number of miles that the walking | |
for example, the bar | belt has moved since the treadmill was purchased, | |
shows that your pace is | press the Odometer button; the words “Total Miles” | |
ideal for aerobic exercise. | and the total number of miles will appear in the dis- | |
| play. |
The upper left area of |
the display will show the | To see the number of miles that the walking belt | |
incline level of the tread- | has moved during the last week, the last month, or | |
mill, the elapsed time, | another period of time, press the Odometer button | |
and the approximate | again; the words “My Total” and the total number | |
number of grams of | of miles will appear in the display. To reset this | |
carbs you have burned. Note: Each time the in- | number, hold down the Odometer button for a few | |
cline changes, the display will show the incline | seconds. |
setting for a few seconds. When a program is se- |
lected, the display will show the time remaining in | To see the distance that you have walked or run | |
the program instead of the elapsed time. | during your workout, press the Odometer button | |
| again. |
The upper center of the |
display will show the | To reset the display, press the Stop button, re- | |
approximate number of | move the key, and then reinsert the key. | |
calories you have |
burned. The display will | 6 Measure your heart rate if desired. | |
also show your heart | ||
rate when you use the handgrip pulse sensor or | Note: If you |
the optional chest pulse sensor. | use the |
The upper right area of | handgrip |
pulse sensor |
| |
the display will show | and the op- |
the speed of the walk- | tional chest |
ing belt and your pace | pulse sensor |
(pace is measured in | at the same | Contacts |
minutes per mile). | time, the | |
Note: The console can | console will |
not display |
| |
display speed and dis- | your heart rate accurately. Before using the hand- | |
tance in either miles or | grip pulse sensor, remove the clear plastic film | |
kilometers. To determine | from the metal contacts. In addition, make sure | |
which unit of measure- | that your hands are clean. To measure your heart | |
ment is selected, hold | rate, stand on the foot rails and hold the metal | |
down the Stop button while inserting the key into |
| |
the console. An “E” for English miles or an “M” for | pulse is detected, the heart symbol in the upper | |
metric kilometers will appear in the upper right | center of the display will appear, one or two | |
area of the display. Press the Speed increase but- | dashes will appear, and then your heart rate will | |
ton to change the unit of measurement. When the | be shown. For the most accurate heart rate | |
desired unit of measurement is selected, remove | reading, continue to hold the contacts for about | |
the key. Note: For simplicity, all instructions in | 15 seconds. |
this section refer to miles. |