November 2005 Installing the server and connecting the peripheral devices
Part 2: 703t Server Hardware Installation 65
Use <arrow up> and <arrow down> to move the highlight
to your choice
Press Enter to choose
Seconds until highlighted choice will be started
automatically 5
The Windows NT startup sequence begins.
4Ensure that the Windows NT logon window appears on the monitor.
Note: If the Windows NT logon window does not appear, refer to
CallPilot Installation and Configuration Part5: 703t Server Maintenance
and Diagnostics (555-7101-227) for troubleshooting instructions.
What’s next?
If Windows NT started successfully, proceed with switch and server setup as
described in the document for your switch:
CallPilot Installation and Configuration Part3: Succession 1000 System
and CallPilot Server Configuration (555-7101-510)
CallPilot Installation and Configuration Part3: Meridian 1 and
CallPilot Server Configuration (555-7101-222)