BPT conventions and examples 17
Files must use a specific syntax for a BPT provisioning method to be invoked successfully on the Provisioning Server. You can view the required file syntax by using the BPT Help option ("BPT Help option" (page 24)).
A script is basically a text file, where each line of the file consists of a single provisioning method. When executed, each provisioning method in the script is invoked sequentially and can reference a separate file for importing or exporting data. Each provisioning method and its referenced file must use the correct syntax for the script to be executed successfully.
An exclamation mark (!) is used at the start of a line to add a comment line in the script file (for example: ! - script updated 2008.04.01)
BPT conventions and examples
This section describes the command syntax and usage conventions for Bulk Provisioning Tool (BPT) provisioning methods and an example of a provisioning method.
•"Method and file syntax conventions" (page 17)
•"Create and manage provisioning roles using the BPT" (page 21)
Method and file syntax conventions
This section describes the command syntax that must be used for executing BPT provisioning methods from the BPT command line and BPT input files.
•"Optional syntax" (page 18)
•"Brackets" (page 18)
•"Angle brackets" (page 18)
•"Square brackets" (page 19)
•"Bar" (page 19)
•"Comma separated strings" (page 20)
•"Fully qualified user name" (page 20)
•"Success indication on remove methods" (page 20)
•"Unknown error messages" (page 21)
Nortel AS 5300
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
11 June 2008
Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks