BPT conventions and examples 19
Square brackets
Square brackets ([ ]) in the syntax indicate a string of variables, separated by commas. The square brackets must be included when shown in the BPT provisioning method syntax. For example, the following is the syntax for the addRole provisioning method:
addRole using ([Name of the Provisioning Role,Description of the Role,[[The Provisioning Right Type,The Read privilege,The write privilege,The delete privilege], .. ,[The Provisioning Right Type,The Read privilege,The write privilege,The delete privilege]]]) file <file name> [optional] into <file name>
With this provisioning method, the square brackets separate fields of the role description being added. For example, if you are adding a role called AddExample, the syntax looks like: addRole using
([AddExample,BPT add example,[[Domain Management, true,true,false],[Device Management,true,false, false],[Admin,true,true,true]]]).
A bar () in the syntax means that there are two ways of entering the required provisioning method information. Typically, the bar is used for the data entry
getRole using (Role name) file <file name> [optional] into <file name>
With this provisioning method, you can enter the Role name in the BPT command line, or enter it using a file. For example, the following is the syntax for invoking the provisioning method on the BPT command line for the Superuser role: getRole using (SuperUser).
Optionally, you can invoke the provisioning method using the Role name listed in a file. For example, the following is the syntax to invoke the provisioning method using a file (containing the Superuser role) called SuperUser_role.txt: getRole using file SuperUser_role.txt.
The contents of the file must be in the correct format. Use the help command to display the BPT required file format. Note in the above example, that the role name in the file is not enclosed in brackets as it is if this method is invoked from the BPT command line.
Nortel AS 5300
Nortel Application Server 5300 Application Programming Interfaces Reference
11 June 2008
Copyright © 2008 Nortel Networks