Assigning a custom operator
8 0 1
You can offer your callers the option of leaving a message or speaking to one of your assistants or colleagues. In your greeting, tell callers to press zero if they wish to speak to this person in your absence. The custom operator number is the number your callers reach when they press zero. Ask your administrator if this feature is available to you.
To review and assign your custom operator number
1While logged in to your mailbox, press 8 0 for mailbox options, then 1 to review the custom operator number.
A prompt tells you the current custom operator number.
2Enter the new custom operator number.
Blocking messages
8 0 7
You can temporarily prevent your callers from leaving messages in your mailbox. You can choose to transfer callers to an operator, or disconnect them. As a courtesy to your callers while message blocking is turned on, you should record a temporary greeting that provides details of your absence and tells callers what to do. Ask your administrator if message blocking is available to you.
To block your messages and set options
1Press 8 0 for mailbox options, then 7 for message blocking.
2Turn message blocking on or off:
To turn message blocking on at all times, press 1.
To turn message blocking off, press 2.
To block your messages only when a temporary greeting is in effect, press 3.
3To allow callers to speak to the custom operator you assigned, press 1. Or, to have callers disconnected after your greeting, press 2.
Turning Autologin on or off
8 0 4
Ask your administrator if Autologin is available to you. See To log in using Autologin, page 7.
1While logged in to your mailbox, press 8 0 for mailbox options, then 4 for Autologin.
2Press 1 to turn Autologin on, or press 2 to turn it off.