The Mercury is available in two different wiring versions: terminal block, or wiring cable. The following instructions apply to cable versions. Terminal Block versions include an additional wiring information label adjacent to the terminal blocks inside the unit enclosure.
The Mercury includes two separate wiring cables for Main Power and Input Trigger Signal connections. These cables may route through either one or two conduit fittings, as required.
CAUTION: The Mercury dispensing system is intended to be installed by experi- enced installers in accordance with all applicable electrical and plumbing codes. All laundry machine and dispenser power is to be disconnected during installation and/or any time the dispenser cabinet is opened.
CAUTION: Always verify all voltage sources with a meter.
NOTE: | Failure to use watertight conduit for |
| electrical cables will impair water |
| resistance of the unit enclosure. |
3.1Main Power
Main Power is a universal power input that accepts any AC voltage from
Main Power Cable color coding is as follows:
Blue + Brown
NOTE: | In cases where a Neutral wire exists, |
| connect Neutral to |
| the Blue wire. |
Green with yellow stripe is Earth Ground.
3.2Trigger Signal Wiring
All trigger signal inputs are optically isolated high impedance input circuits. Washer supply signal voltages may range from
(5 mA maximum draw) that accommodate the range typically found in most washing machines.
Each signal input connects to a pair of signal input wires (solid color and white with colored stripe).
In cases where the washing machine has a single common for supply signals, connect all the signal input common wires (white with colored stripes) to the machine's signal common wiring location.
In Automatic or Relay Mode trigger inputs match pump numbers (i.e. trigger 1 = pump 1, etc.).
In Occurrence Mode connect wire pairs from each machine fill valve to two trigger inputs (it does not matter which two of the three available trigger inputs are used for Occurrence Mode).
Signal Input wire colors are as follows:
Trigger Signal 1 = Black
Signal Common 1 = White w/Black Stripe
Trigger Signal 2 = Brown
Signal Common 2 = White w/Brown Stripe
Trigger Signal 3 = Red
Signal Common 3 = White w/Red Stripe
3.3Auto Formula Select Wiring
Input specifications are the same as trigger inputs. The Auto Formula Select signal must be program- mable to the second on the washing machine control system. Program the washer to send this signal at the start of the wash load (prior to any chemical supply signals) for a duration of 2 seconds times the desired formula number (i.e. for formula 2 program for 2s * F2 = 4 seconds signal time).
Auto Formula Select input wire colors are as follows:
Auto Formula Select Signal = Orange
Auto Formula Select Signal Common = White w/ Orange
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