6.If this is a serial connection, select 115200 from the Baud Rate drop down list.
7.If this is a serial connection, clear the Use hardware handshaking check box.
8.Click the OK button to save the new connection.
9.Select the SPAN receiver from the Available Device Connections area of the Open Connection win- dow.
10.Click the Open button to open SPAN receiver communications.
11.As NovAtel Connect establishes the communication session with the receiver, a progress box is dis- played.
Detailed instructions for using NovAtel Connect are available from within the utility Help or the
.chm file bundled with the software.
Follow these steps to enable INS as part of the SPAN system using software commands:
1.Establish a connection to the OEM6 receiver.
Refer to the receiver Quick Start Guide for information about connecting to the receiver and entering commands.
A GNSS antenna must be connected and tracking satellites for operation.
2.Issue the CONNECTIMU command to specify the type of IMU and the receiver port connected to the IMU (see Table 1).
Table 1: CONNECTIMU Commands
| IMU Type | CONNECTIMU command | |
| HG1700 AG11 | CONNECTIMU COMxa IMU_HG1700_AG11 | |
| HG1700 AG17 | CONNECTIMU COMxa IMU_HG1700_AG17 | |
| HG1700 AG58 | CONNECTIMU COMxa IMU_HG1700_AG58 | |
| HG1700 AG62 | CONNECTIMU COMxa IMU_HG1700_AG62 | |
| HG1900 CA50 | CONNECTIMU COMxa IMU_HG1900_CA50 | |
| HG1930 CA50 | CONNECTIMU COMxa IMU_HG1930_CA50 | |
a. If you are using the OEM615+MIC board stack, you must use COM1.
Basic configuration of the SPAN system is now complete. The inertial filter starts once the GNSS solution is solved and the IMU is connected.