Using Minoru with popular messaging applications
Windows Live Messenger
Open Windows Live Messenger and from the menu, select Tools – Audio and video
In Step 2: Microphone Setup, select ‘Novo – Minoru’s Ears’
In Step 3: Webcam Setup, select ‘Minoru 3D Webcam’
From the menu, select Tools – Webcam settings...
Make sure that ‘Mirror my image’ is not ticked.
Note: If ‘Mirror my image’ is ticked then you will not be able to see the 3D properly in the Messenger preview window.
To make a video call, right click on the desired contact in the contact list and then click
Video – Start a Video Call.
M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i o n 1 . 2 , F e b r u a r y | P a g e 17 |
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