Recommended software to get the most from Minoru
Convert your 3D videos for viewing on your iPod.
Windows Movie Maker
Edit your 3D videos created by Minoru. Add special effects and transitions. We like the ‘Edge Detection’ effect the best that gives a cartoon like appearance to your 3D videos.
Windows Movie Maker is included free with some versions of Windows. You can start Windows Movie Maker by clicking; Start...All Programs...Windows Movie Maker.
Stereoscopic Player
For the real 3D enthusiast! Play back your 3D videos to your 3D monitor or play back ‘Side by Side’ videos for viewing with 3D glasses.
M i n o r u 3 D W e b c a m U s e r ’ s G u i d e , R e v i s i o n 1 . 2 , F e b r u a r y | P a g e 20 |
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