ES 3037/3037e Windows Index • 545
Windows ICM color matching
Windows ICM Color Matching
Windows 2000 210
Windows XP 129
Windows ICM color matching
Windows Me/98/95 281
Windows Me
booklets 292
Windows Me/98/ 95
operation 262
Windows Me/98/95
choosing a color matching
method 266
collating 296
color matching 266
color swatch utiliy, PCL 272
confidential documents 302
custom page sizes 285
duplex printing 290
enabling added memory in the
driver 253
enabling optional paper trays 256
enabling the duplex unit in the
driver 257
enabling the hard disk drive in
the driver 255
enabling the high capacity feeder
in the driver 258
factors that affect color printing
font substitution 297
network printer status ultility 261
n-up printing 283
OKI ICC profiles feature 282
operation 262
overlays 308
posters 320
printer drivers 252
proof and print 298
rendering intents 279
resolution 289
secure print 302
store to hard disk 305
watermarks 294
Windows ICM color matching
Windows NT
booklets 375
changing media defaults in the
driver 335
choosing a color matching
method 346
collating 379
color matching 352
color swatch utility, PCL 351
confidential documents 383
custom page sizes 362
duplex printing 372
enabling added memory in the
driver 323
enabling optional paper trays in
the driver 327
enabling the duplex unit in the
drive 329
enabling the finisher in the driver
enabling the hard disk drive in
the driver 325
enabling the high capacity feeder
in the driver 331
factors that affect color printing
network printer status utility 341
n-up printing 359
operation 342