ES 3037/3037e Setting up • 56
RESOLUTION ES 3037 - 600 x 1200
dpi; 600 dpi
ES 3037e -1200 dpi,
Fast 1200 dpi, 600
Selects print resolution.
ON; OFF ON: Enables Toner Save mode.
OFF: Disables Toner Save mode.
Auto; Color speed;
Normal speed
Selects monochrome printing speed.
Auto: Prints at the most appropriate
speed for page process.
Color: Prints always at the color print
Normal: Prints always at the
monochrome print speed.
ORIENTATION Portrait; Landscape Sets page orientation for printing.
LINE PER PAGE 5 to 128.
Default = 60.
Sets the number of lines that can be
printed on a page.
EDIT SIZE Cassette size; Letter
Short Edge; Letter
Long Edge;
Executive; Legal 14;
Legal 13.5; Legal 13;
Tabloid Extra; Tabloid;
A3 Nobi; A3 Wide;
A3; A4 Short Edge;
A4 Long Edge; A5;
A6; B4; B5 Short
Edge; B5 Long Edge;
Custom; Com-9*
envelope; Com-10*
envelope; Monarch*
envelope; DL*
Envelope; C5*
Envelope; C4*
*Use long edge feed.
Cassette size is selected when using
standard sized paper in the paper
tray. Edit size is only used when
printing one page size onto a
different paper size, e.g. A6 onto A4,
edit size would be set to A6, but
actual paper in paper tray is A4.
Invalid in PostScript emulation.
Print MenuThe default settings are bold.
Item Value Description