OkiLAN 7120e Network User’s Guide
Using Quick SetupQuick Setup utility allows you to configure the OkiLAN 7120e easily and
simply without installing any software packages.
You can configure the following:
> Enable/disable TCP/IP, NetWare, NetBEUI protocols.
> Set IP address, Subnet Mask and Gateway for TCP/IP manually or by
using DHCP.
> Set NetWare mode and create Queue/Print Server/Printer objects.
Configuration requires a PC with Windows 95/98/Me, Windows 2000
Advanced Server/Professional or Windows NT Server 4.0/Work-station
4.0, Windows XP running TCP/IP or IPX/SPX (NetWare).
This utility can only be used on a PC that can be connected to the network
with TCP/IP or IPX/ SPX.
Configure the OkiLAN 7120e
in detail.
2000/XP (TCP/IP protocol or
IPX/SPX protocol should be
To create a NetWare queue,
NetWare Client 32 or
IntranetWare Client should
be installed in your system.
Web browser Configure the print server and
printer by using a Web
browser such as Microsoft
Internet browser or Netscape
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Version 3.0 and higher or
Netscape Navigator Version
3.0 and higher.
Operating system that
supports Web browser.
SNMP The printer and print server
can be controlled using
third-party vendor developed
SNMP application.
Third-party vendor developed
SNMP application.
Setup Utility
for UNIX
Configure print server using
character-base user interface.
Solaris 2.6 (Sparc)/SunOS
4.1.3/HP-UX 10.20/SuSE
Linux 8.1/RedHat Linux 7.2
and 8.0.
To configure network
interface cards, "root'
privilege is required.
Utility Features System requirements