PARITY= bits 4,3 and are:
00 for NO
01 for ODD
10 for EVEN
11 not used
DATABIT = bit 5 and is:
0 for 7 data
1 for 8 data
STOPBIT = bit 6 and is:
0 for 1 stop
1 for 2 stop
Bit 7 : always 0
Note 1: Stop bit is always 1. Unless 7 data, no parity is selected then unit will use 2 stop bits.
Note 2: When 8 Data bit is selected, only NO PARITY is allowed.
This is one byte data as:
Bit 0 = 0/1 means checksum not included/included
Bit 1 not used
Bit 2 = 0/1 means no echo/echo
Bit 3 = 1 means 485 mode
Bit 4 = 0/1 means continuous/command mode
Bits 7-5 not used
For models (PR/ST/FP):
Bit 7 = 0/1 Enable/Disable peak and valley comparison
NOTE 1 : ECHO mode means the unit will echo back the command letter and index.
NOTE 2 : Do not use checksum option unless you have to use it.
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