This is 3 bytes. It is ASCII value of unit of measure.
13. GATE TIME(For FP model only):
This is 1 byte from 00 to FF.
For value = 00 to FA:
Each count equals 10ms. If 0 then gate time = 3ms.
Example : 1 second gate time = 64 hex.
For value = FB to FF:
Value Gate time
FB 5 seconds
FC 10 seconds
FD 20 seconds
FE 40 seconds
FF 80 seconds
14. DEBOUNCE TIME(For FP model only):
This is 1 byte from 01 to FF.
Each count equals 5ms. If 0 then error.
This is 2 bytes data in second and specifies the time of the transmissionby the meter.
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