REL Relative mode (only Main display)
Pressing REL key to enter the Relative mode, zero the display, and store
the displayed Reading as a reference value and annunciator REL is
displayed. Press REL key again to exit the relative mode.
The relative value can also be entered by the user. (See "SET mode" later
in this manual.)
When the desired Relative value has been entered, press REL key to enter
the Relative mode, press SET key use set Relative value as a reference
value. Press REL key again to exit the relative mode.
In the Relative mode, the value (can not >±2000.0 counts) shown on the
LCD is always the difference between the stored reference and the present
SET mode (Relative value set and Hi/Lo Limits value set)
1. Press SET key to enter Relative valuse SET mode (Press ENTER key
can escape relative valuse set mode), REL set mode. _ = = =.= is displayed
(the ".=" is displayed when you set up the fourth number).Relative value is
entered via overlay numbers, when you want to get negative values push
(- 0) key for end of numbers, then press overlay ENTER key, stored the
relative value, enter Hi/Lo Limits value set mode.
2. Hi Limit value set mode, (Press ENTER key can escape Hi Limit value
set mode), _ = = =.= is displayed (the ".=" is displayed when you set up the
fourth number), Hi Limit value is entered via overlay numbers, when you
want to get negative values push (- 0) key for end of numbers, then press
overlay ENTER key, stored the Hi Limit value, enter Lo Limit value set mode