Omron M6 instruction manual How to Obtain Meaningful Readings

Models: M6

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2.How to Obtain Meaningful Readings

2. How to Obtain Meaningful Readings

To help ensure a reliable reading, avoid eating, smoking, or exercising for at least 30 minutes before taking a measure- ment.

Note: Remove any tight-fitting clothing from your upper arm.

1.Sit on a chair with your feet flat on the floor and place your arm on a table so that the arm cuff will be at the same level as your heart.

2.Apply the arm cuff to your upper arm. The coloured marker should be centred on the inside of your arm and point down the inside of the arm, so that the air tube runs down the inside of your forearm and is in line with your middle finger.

3.Secure the cuff around your arm using the fabric fastener strip.

4. Press the O/I START button.

When measurement is complete, the monitor displays your blood pressure and pulse rate, and auto- matically deflates the cuff.


Always wait at least 2-3 minutes before taking another blood pressure measurement.

Please note that all measurement are stored in the memory. If different people measure with the same device make sure that you are aware of this fact.



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Omron M6 instruction manual How to Obtain Meaningful Readings