Search Method
The Search Method allows you to find the code for your device by scanning through all the codes contained in the memory of the ONE FOR ALL 2.
Example: To search for your TV code:
1Switch on your television (not on standby) and aim your ONE FOR ALL at your TV.
2Press the TV key on your ONE FOR ALL 2.
3Press and hold down the MAGIC key
(for appraximately 3 seconds) until the red LED (underneath the TV key
in this example) blinks twice.x2 The red LED will blink once, then twice.
4 Press 9 9 1. The red LED will blink twice.
5Next, press OFF.
-If you wish you may also search for your code using another function than “OFF”. Simply choose between 0, 1, 2, 3, VOL+, PLAY,STOP or MUTE instead.
6Aim the ONE FOR ALL 2 at your Device. Now press CH+ over and over, until your e.g. Television switches off.
-Everytime you press the CH+ key the ONE FOR ALL 2 will send out a POWER signal (the function you chose at step 5) from the next code contained in the memory.
-You may have to press this key many times (up to 150 times) so please be patient.
-If you skip past a code, you can go to the previous code(s) by pressing the CH- key.
-Remember to keep pointing the ONE FOR ALL 2 at your Device while pressing this key.
7As soon as your Device switches off, press the MAGIC key to store the code.
-If your Device does not switch on pressing the ON key,
simply press the OFF key, a number key or CH+ to switch your e.g. Television back on.