4730952 | Visiosat | 22244 | 34132 |
4730955 | Viva | 14241 |
4730956 | Vortec | 21244 | 23322 |
4730931 | Vtech | 22244 | 22112 | 33134 | 11221 |
4730962 | Wela | 32142 | 34132 13121 11144 |
| ||
4731091 | WeTeKom | 13242 | 32242 24422 11223 |
| ||
4730966 | Wewa | 24124 |
4731217 | Wibo | 14414 |
4730968 | Winersat | 22141 |
4731062 | Wintergarten | 21311 |
4730969 | Wisi | 32443 | 13342 | 22112 | 11121 | 22421 |
| 33134 | 23141 | 32142 | 23223 | 24124 |
| 22244 | 24422 | 32244 | 11231 |
4730971 | Woorisat | 31131 |
4730972 | World | 22141 |
4732113 | Worldsat | 33241 | 34123 | 34412 |
4730976 | Xrypton | 22412 |
4731151 | Xcom | 11224 |
4730993 | Xsat | 33241 | 34132 | 11224 |
4732070 | Zaunkonig | 33421 |
4730986 | Zehnder | 22112 | 22134 31131 | 24431 22412 | ||
| 34323 | 23133 | 12413 | 14232 | 12414 |
| 11221 |
4730987 | Zenith | 11234 |
4731064 | Zeta Technology | 14131 |
4730989 | Zodiac | 32322 |
4730990 | Zwergnase | 14414 | 11144 |
Cable Converters
Décodeurs de câble
Conversores de Cabo
Convertitori di reti
Kabel Decoders
4730025 | Alcatel | 11141 | 11142 |
4731155 | Austar | 21221 |
4731531 | BT | 12332 |
4730141 | Cabletime | 21144 | 24111 | 33232 |
4731564 | Comcrypt | 23434 |
4731583 | Decsat | 23324 |
4731641 | Filmnet | 23434 |
4730996 | France Telecom | 11134 | 24114 |
4731076 | General |
| Instruments | 21221 |
4730421 | Jerrold | 11114 | 21221 |
4731341 | Kabelvision | 11114 |
4730489 | Macab | 11134 |
4731782 | MNet | 23434 |
4732098 | Mr Zapp | 11134 |
4732072 | NTL Cabletell | 21221 |
4731447 | Optus | 21221 |
4730612 | Pace | 33333 |
4730636 | Philips | 24114 | 11134 |
4731065 | PVP Stereo |
| Visual Matrix | 11114 |
4730718 | Sagem | 11134 |
4730748 | Scientific Atlanta | 11131 | 21222 |
4730864 | Tele+1 | 23434 |
4730879 | Telepiu | 23434 |
4730925 | United Cable | 11114 |
4730951 | Visiopass | 24114 | 11134 |
4732055 | Westminster | 12332 |
*Excludes a few models in the LS, LX and MX series.
*Ausschließlich einige Modelle der LX, LS und MX Serie.
*Exclut quelques modèles de la serie LX, LS et MX.
*Excluye unos pocos modelos de la serie LX, LS y MX modelos.
*Exclui alguns modelos da série LX, LS y MX.
*Sono esclusi modelli della serie LX, LS e MX.
*Exclusief een paar modellen in de LX, MX en LS serie.