User Controls
larged or downsized by dragging the eight small black squares scattered on eight edges of the frame.
to select the language, Audio out and display the software information.
Audio transfer is sup- ported in one on one connection between pc and computer.
When audio out is enabled, video image quality setting will be greyed out.
To get the higher image quality, please set quality to high, and set audio out to “No”.
to control all the users and all the projec- tors connected to the same projector.
•: Display range.
•: Click to unlock and change the network display password. Only the Administrator has rights to make the changes.
•: When normal user login, click this lock icon will result in no response.
•: Disconnect with target network display.
•: Connect the target network display via a webpage front end.
•: Turns on the audio.
•: Turns off the audio.
User of Admin type is able to view a menu page with a list of PCs connected to the target network display.
English 62