Call Tone
A call tone alerts others on your channel that you want to talk. Your radio has 5 call tones to choose from.
To select a call tone
1.Press and hold SET for 2 seconds.
2.Rotate the Channel button ( or press the Up / Down Select on the Mic) to select the desired Call Tone.
To transmit a call tone
1.Pressing the call switch will cause a 3 second call tone to be transmitted.
NOTE: Australian and New Zealand standards restrict tone calling to 3 seconds in any 60 second period.
CTCSS (Continuous Tone Coded Squelch System)
Your UHF050 has 38 CTCSS codes to minimise interference from other users. You will only hear transmissions from users using the same code.
To select a CTCSS code
1.Press the CTCSS / DCS button, TSQ of will blink on the LCD display.
2.Turn the Channel control to select the desired CTCSS code.
3.Press the CTCSS / DCS button twice to return to standby.
DCS (Digitally Coded Squelch)
Your UHF050 provides for 104 DCS codes. These are digitally coded squelch codes which provide additional privacy.
To select a DCS code
1.Press the CTCSS / DCS button twice, DCS – of appears on the
12 LCD display.