Action Process Tree
4. Take a flat field image by pointing the
telescope at a uniform and featureless
light source, like the sky at dawn or
a white sheet of paper. Find the right
exposure time that creates a Max Pixel
value of approximately 20000, then
proceed to Autosave your flats.
You do not have to take your flat fields
before you start imaging. They can be
taken before or after your astro-images
during the day, or any time you have a
suitable light source.
Find the exposure which creates a Max Pixel of about 20000.
Camera Control Window, Mode Light Raw 1x1, Single Expose (0.1 seconds or so)
Begin taking and autosaving the flat field images.
Camera Control Window, Mode Light Raw 1x1, Autosave (5-10 images) Expose
Image Processing
1. Calibrate darks and flats Select your darks and flats.
Process Setup Calibrate Add your dark frames, flat fields, and dark frames for flat fields OK
Now calibrate your astro images.
File Open select the astro images you want to open Open
Process Calibrate
2. Convert raw to color Process Convert Raw to Color, Camera Type StarShoot Pro High Quality OK