C. The Planets
The planets don’t stay put like the stars (they don’t have fixed R.A. and Dec. coordinates), so you’ll have to refer to charts published monthly at our website, www.telescope.com, or in monthly magazines like Astronomy, Sky & Telescope, to locate them. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn are the bright- est objects in the sky after the Sun and the Moon. Not all four of these planets are normally visible at any one time.
JUPITER The largest planet, Jupiter, is a great subject to observe. You can see the disk of the giant planet and watch the
SATURN The ringed planet is a breathtaking sight when it is well positioned. The tilt angle of the rings varies over a period of many years; sometimes they are seen
VENUS At its brightest, Venus is the most luminous object in the sky, excluding the Sun and the Moon. It is so bright that sometimes it is visible to the naked eye during full daylight! Ironically, Venus appears as a thin crescent, not a full disk, when at its peak brightness. Because it is so close to the Sun, it never wanders too far from the morning or evening horizon. No surface markings can be seen on Venus, which is always shrouded in dense clouds.
MARS If atmospheric conditions are good, you may be able to see some subtle surface detail on the Red Planet, possibly even the polar ice cap. Mars makes a close approach to Earth every two years; during those approaches its disk is larger and thus more favorable for viewing.
D. Stars
Stars will appear like twinkling points of light in the telescope. Even powerful telescopes cannot magnify stars to appear as more than points of light! You can, however, enjoy the different colors of the stars and locate many pretty double and multiple stars. The famous
E. Deep-Sky Objects
Under dark skies, you can observe a wealth of fascinating
skills get sharper, you will be able to discern more subtle details.
Remember that the higher the magnification you use, the dim- mer the image will appear. So stick with low power when observing
Consult a star atlas or observing guide for information on find- ing and identifying
7. Astrophotography
Several different types of astrophotography can be success- fully attempted with the AstroView 120ST:
Moon Photography
This is perhaps the simplest form of astrophotography, as no motor drive is required. All that is needed is a
Now you’re ready to shoot. Point the telescope toward the Moon, and center it within the camera’s viewfinder. Focus the image with the telescope’s focuser. Try several exposure times, all less than 1 second, depending on the phase of the moon and the ISO (film speed) of the film being used. A remote shutter release is recommended, as touching the camera’s shutter release can vibrate the camera enough to ruin the exposure.
This method of taking pictures is the same method with which a daytime, terrestrial photograph could be taken through the AstroView 120ST.
Planetary Photography
Once basic Moon photography has been mastered, it’s time to get images of the planets. This type of astrophotography also works to get highly magnified shots of the Moon. In addition to the
As before, connect the
Aim the telescope at the planet (or Moon) you wish to shoot. The image will be highly magnified, so you may need to use the finder scope to center it within the camera’s viewfinder. Turn the motor drive on. Adjust the telescope’s focuser so that the image appears sharp in the camera’s viewfinder. The camera’s shutter is now ready to be opened. A remote shutter release must be