under a stream of lukewarm water. Any particles on the sur- face can be swabbed gently with a series of cotton balls, each used just one time. Dry the mirror in a stream of air (a “blower bulb” works great), or remove any stray drops of water with the corner of a paper towel. Water will run off a clean surface. Cover the mirror surface with Kleenex, and leave the mirror in a warm area until it is completely dry before reassembling the telescope.
11. Specifications
Primary mirror diameter: 203mm (8")
Primary mirror coating: Aluminized, SiO2 overcoat
Focal Length: 1000mm
Focal Ratio: f/4.9
Secondary mirror: 58mm minor axis
Secondary mirror holder:
Eyepieces: 25mm and 10mm Sirius Plössls, fully coated, 1.25"
Magnification: 40x (with 25mm) and 100x (with 10mm)
Finder Scope: 8x40 achromatic, 5.33° field of view
Focuser: Rack and pinion, accepts 2" or 1.25" eyepieces
Camera adapter: Couples 35mm SLR camera
Mount: SkyView Pro, German equatorial
Tripod: Steel
Tripod support tray: Aluminum, provides additional stability, holds five 1.25" eyepiece and two 2" eyepieces
Weight: 62 lbs. (Mount 30 lbs., optical tube 32 lbs.)
Counterweights: 10.9 lbs. each
Polar axis latitude adjustment: 8° to 70°
Polar axis finder: Optional
Motor Drives: Optional