180 Index
creating multiple 59
deleting 62
reordering 68
setting preferences for 61–??
setting up 5861
specifying as default 67
troubleshooting 154, 155
email addresses
changing 138
entering 61, 63
saving 65
Email application 5868
email service providers 59, 155
emergency phone numbers 48
erasing data from phone 139
ESMTP authentication 155
EvDO data networks 12, 156, 157
Event Notes option 89
Event Reminder option 92
adding alarms to 89, 92
adding to calendar 86, 88
creating untimed 89
deleting 90
displaying 90
entering location for 88
responding to reminders for 91
saving 88
scheduling repeating 88
synchronizing 86, 87, 93
Excel files 128, 130131
Exchange ActiveSync accounts
setting up 5960
synchronization with phone 42
Synergy feature and 6
troubleshooting 154
Exchange servers
searching over 47
synchronizing with 154
troubleshooting 154
extensions (phone calls) 55
Facebook accounts
Calendar application and 88
Contacts application and 79
Photos application and 105
synchronization with phone 42
factory-installed applications 176
email folders 67
web bookmarks 120
feedback 151
file types
opening files and 128
playing music and 109
viewing pictures and 102
watching videos and 106
See also specific type
changing contents 131
changing display size 128
copying to phone 37, 106, 128,
creating 131
finding text in 128, 129, 132
freeing memory and 161
losing 159
opening 128, 131
saving 129, 133
searching for 128, 132
sending 63, 129, 133
storing 159
viewing properties 129
filtering tasks 95
Find command 128, 129, 132
finding information. See searching
flick gesture 19, 164
copying files to 159
receiving email and 66, 67
Forget Network option 116
formatting for email message text
63, 66
frozen phone 139, 150, 160
full erase 140, 159
GALs. See Global Address Lists
Geotag Photos option 117
gesture area 18, 164
gestures 6, 1822
advanced 142
back gesture changes 142
troubleshooting 150
Get email option 62
Global Address Lists 47, 78
Google accounts
creating account on website
40, 41, 42
setting up account on phone
58, 78, 86
synchronization with phone 42
Synergy feature and 6
Google Maps 122
Google Weather 86
GPS applications 117
hands-free devices
setting up 54
troubleshooting 151, 152153
hard resets. See full erase
headset button 54
headsets 7, 5354, 152
help 161
See also troubleshooting
Help application 7
history lists 53, 69, 122
iCal on Mac 41
charging battery and 15
minimizing web pages as 119,
monitoring data services and
156, 157
monitoring phone status and 12
moving in Launcher 26
moving in Quick Launch 26
receiving notifications and 150
signal-strength 151
viewing Google maps and 122
IM. See instant messages
images 158
See also pictures
IMAP email accounts 155
importing information 153
inbox (email) 58, 67, 155