184 Index
spelling errors 29
spreadsheets. See Excel files
static 151, 152
stereo headsets 53, 54
storage space 161
music 109
videos 107
swipe gesture 19, 165
Sym key 11, 165
symbols 28
Sync deleted emails option 62
Sync Now option 85
defined 153
desktop software, Google, and
phone 42
desktop software, Wi-Fi, and
phone 43
email 58, 62, 63
Facebook information 42
online calendars 86, 87, 93
online contacts 78, 79, 86
retrieving information and 6,
setting up online accounts for
troubleshooting 154
Synergy feature 6, 40, 165
Calendar 86
Contacts 78
Email 58
Messaging 68
system information 139
system updates 33, 165
See also updating phone
tap gesture 18, 149, 165
task lists
assigning tasks to 94
creating 93
deleting 97
filtering 95
reordering items in 96
changing priority 96
completing 95, 96
creating 9394
deleting 96
displaying 95
editing 95
setting due dates for 96
Tasks application 9397
technical support 7
temperature range for using phone
text 128, 129, 132
copying, cutting 30
formatting for email messages
and signatures 63, 66
pasting 30
selecting 2122
text messages
addressing 70
creating 7071
deleting 72
displaying 72
links in 108
making phone calls and 48, 50
receiving notifications for 75
roaming and 56
saving contact information 72
sending 69, 70, 71
troubleshooting 156
text telephones. See TTY/TDD
third-party applications
adding to phone 35
freeing internal memory and
losing 159
synchronizing using 154
troubleshooting 160161
thumbnail images 102
time 139
time zones 139
Tips (Help application) 7
touchscreen 18
touchscreen. See screen
Touchstone charging dock 15
traffic information 122
transferring data
computer to phone 40
Exchange to phone 42
Facebook to phone 42
Google to phone 42
old phone to new 40
planning for 40
troubleshooting 140, 145
trusted partnerships. See pairing
TTY/TDD devices 56
turning Bluetooth on and off 123
turning everything on and off 18
turning screen on and off 16
turning Wi-Fi on and off 115
turning wireless services on and off
16, 17
universal search 165
See also searching
unlinking contact information 84
unlocking the screen 143
untimed events 89
See also calendars; events
updating phone 3335
uploading pictures 105
uppercase letters 27
URLs 118, 119, 120
USB cable 7
USB Drive mode 37, 159
Use GPS option 117
user names 74
user profile 6, 136, 164
user safety information 170
video playback controls 108
answering phone and 49
deleting 107
iTunes 36
linking to 108
playback controls 107
searching for 108
sending 156
watching 106, 107
Videos application 106107
views 6
See also cards
Vista computers
copying files 103, 107, 111