Panasonic SC-AK630 specifications INTRO function Album scan, Title search function

Models: SC-AK630

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INTRO function (Album scan)

INTRO function (Album scan)








You can find an album by listening to the first track of all albums in the current disc for 10 seconds each.

Remote control only

Preparation: Press [:/J, CD] and then [L, CLEAR].

1Press [INTRO].

INTRO function starts.

(INTRO function is cancelled after playing the first track in the last album on the current disc.)

2While your desired album is playing, press [:/ J, CD].

Play continues from the first track of the album.

To stop during the process, press [INTRO] or [L, CLEAR].


You cannot use this function during program play or random play.

Title search function








You can search for your desired album/track with its keyword (part of the title).

Album/track title search

Preparation: Press [:/J, CD] and then [L, STOP].

1For album title search

Press [TITLE SEARCH] once.

For track title search

Press [TITLE SEARCH] twice.

2Enter the characters of the keyword for the title.

(A see right: “Entering characters”)

3Press [ENTER].

Title search starts.

The matched title is displayed.

Album title search

Matched album title

Blinks to indicate album title search mode

Track title search

Matched track title

Blinks to indicate album title search mode

To show the next/previous search result

Press [f/FF/4] (next) or [ g/REW/3] (previous).

Press [:/ J, CD] to start play from the album/track found.

For album search, play starts from the first track of the album.

(Search mode is cancelled.)

To cancel partway through

Press [L, STOP].

When there is no match for the searched keyword, the display shows “NOT FOUND”.


You cannot use title search function in program play or random play.

Entering characters

You can enter a keyword of up to 9 characters for album/track title search. You can only enter upper case letters but the unit also searches for lower case.

On the main unit

1Press [Title search function, ALBUM/CHARA] or [Manual background, ALBUM/CHARA] to select the required character.

Each time you press [Manual background, ALBUM/CHARA], the characters change in the following order.

A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0

space ! ” # $ % & ’ ( ) + , – . / : ; < = > ? _ `

The sequence is reversed if you press [Manual background, ALBUM/CHARA].

If you hold down [Manual background, ALBUM/CHARA] or [Manual background, ALBUM/CHARA], the characters change faster.

2Press [CURSOR f] to enter the character.

Repeat steps 1~2 to complete the keyword.

On the remote control

1Press the numbered button to select the required character.

Characters allocated to the numbered buttons:












M N O 6


A B C 2


P Q R S 7


D E F 3


T U V 8


G H I 4


W X Y Z 9


J K L 5




space !”#$ %&’()+,– ./:;<=>?_ `





The characters change each time a numbered button is pressed. For example, every time you press [2]:

A Manual background B Manual background C Manual background 2

2Press [CURSOR Manual background] to enter the character.

Repeat steps 1~2 to complete the keyword.

LEditing keywords

To move the cursor

Press [g CURSOR] or [CURSOR f]. Remote control: Press [CURSOR ( Manual background or Manual background )].

Deleting a character

1.Move the cursor over the character to be deleted.

2.Press [DELETE] (remote control: Press [DEL]).

Editing a character

1.Move the cursor over the character to be edited.

2.Enter the correct character.



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Panasonic SC-AK630 specifications INTRO function Album scan, Title search function