(Abbreviated Number) The ability to store full phone numbers into the dialer and the n utilizing a
short series of keystrokes to speed dial that number in the future.
Access code A 4-digit programmable access code that prevents unauthorized operation
of your Fax.
(Automatic Document
The mechanism that delivers a stack of document pages to the scanner
one page at a time.
Automatic reception The mode that allows you to receive fax documents without user
Auto print reduction The method of automatically reducing a recei ved document so that it can
be printed onto a standard size piece of plain paper. For example, your
machine will reduce an incoming legal size page to 75% of its original size
so it could fit on a letter size page.
Batch Transmission The a bility to accumulate different documents for the same destination(s)
to be transmitted in a single phone call.
(Bits Per Second) The amount of data that is transmitted over the phone line. Your machine
can start at each Max. Modem speed and automatically steps down to
suitable speed depending on the phone line condition and the receiving
machines capabilities.
(Max. Modem Speed 33600 BPS)
C.C.I.T.T. Consultative Committee on International Telegraph and Telephone. This
organization has presently developed four groups of industry standards
that insure facsimile compatibility.
CCITT Image No.1
(ITU-T/CCITT) An industry standard docu ment that allows comparisons of the
transmission speeds and capabilities of facsimile machines.
Character ID A programmed proprietary code name that allows up to 16 alphanumer ic
characters identifying your facsimile machine.
Character keys The keys that are used to enter letters and symbols for various
programming functions.
Coding scheme The data comp ression method used by facsimile machines. Your machine
utilizes Modified Huffman (MH), Modified Read (MR), Modified Modified
Read (MMR) and Joint Bi-level Experts Group (JBIG) coding schemes.
COMM. JOURNAL Refers to either the Communication Journal, Relay Transmission Report,
or the Confidential XMT Report.
Confidential communication In a network of facsimile machi nes, a code can be entered to retrieve a
document that is stored in memory of a designated relay station.
Confidential RCV Report The report that gives you information about a con fidential document(s) that
is held in your machine's memory.
CONTRAST Signifies the scanning sensitivity in terms of lightness a nd darkness of your
original transmitting pages.