Panasonic WV-NS954, WV-NW964 manual GO button, Number of patrol pattern, Learn patrol pattern

Models: WV-NW964 WV-NS954

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Control pad/buttons

Refer to Operation Instructions for descriptions of how to operate these buttons/pad.

Panning, tilting and zooming operations can also be car- ried out on the [Image/Position] tab.


Select from registered preset items.

[GO] button

The camera moves to the selected preset position.

[CLOSE] button

Click this button to close the "Auto pan" setup menu.

Configure the settings relating to the patrol function ("PATROL" setup screen)

Click the [SETUP>>] button of "PATROL" on the [Image/Position] tab.

The settings relating to the patrol function can be configured.


[Number of patrol pattern]

The number of patrol pattern is selectable from the fol- lowing.

The programmed time varies with the number of patrol pattern.

1:A 2-min. operation can be stored into Patrol 1.

2:A 1-min. operation can be stored into Patrol 1 and Patrol 2 each.

4:A 30-sec. operation can be stored into Patrol 1, Patrol 2, Patrol 3, and Patrol 4 each.


Changing the number of patrol pattern deletes the stored patrol operation or operations.

[Learn patrol pattern]

Click the [i] button in the [Patrol No.] box to select a patrol number (1-4).

"*" at the right side of the patrol number indicates that the patrol operation is already stored.

Clicking the "Learn" button with the patrol number selected starts storing the camera operation. "LEARN- ING (OOOS)" appears in the center of the screen during operation storing.

*"OOOS" shows the remaining available time. Panning, tilting, zooming, and presetting are operat- ed. Click the [STOP] button to stop storing while the camera action is stored, or to stop reenacting while the camera action is reenacted. Stop storing even if the remaining available time shows 0 second. Clicking the "Confirm" button with the patrol number selected demonstrates the stored camera operation.


Storable camera operations are described below.

qAt starting operation

Pan position, tilt position, zoom position, focus position, brightness setting, super dynamic 3 set- ting, shutter speed setting, gain setting, electron- ic sensitivity enhancing, white balance setting, R volume setting, and B volume setting.

wAts camera operation

Pan position, tilt position, zoom position, focus position, brightness setting, and preset position moving

The auto focus function is disabled while the patrol operation is activated. At this moment, the focus is missed by zooming up from the WIDE side. This is one of the features of a zoom lens. Therefore, zooming from


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Panasonic WV-NS954, WV-NW964 manual GO button, Number of patrol pattern, Learn patrol pattern